Periodontal disease is one of the biggest threats to oral health – and overall health, too. There are lifestyle habits that can increase your chances of warding off periodontal disease and other dental disorders.
Besides following good hygiene habits, most dental professionals suggest you carefully consider the nutritional elements of your diet, and make smart choices about what you consume.
Learn more about the link between nutrition and periodontal disease when you contact the Las Vegas office of Jason L. Downey, DDS to discuss treatment for gum disease.
Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Research shows that people are healthiest (and at a lower risk of dental disorder and disease) when they incorporate four basic factors into their lifestyle.
First, eating healthy, low-glycemic meals that don’t over-stress the body’s ability to maintain proper levels of sugars in the bloodstream; such a diet would have plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Second, having a minimum level of activity and exercise, with at least 30 minutes of vigorous walking 3 to 5 times a week.
Third, because it is very difficult to get all the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that we need through the food supply available to us, it is prudent for all of us to take high-quality nutritional supplements.
Fourth, it is important to limit the amount of both physical and emotional stress we place on our bodies and to provide the appropriate release and management of those stresses.
All four of these factors directly improve the body’s ability to have a strong and healthy immune system. These practices give us the best defenses possible to fight off infections, avoid stressing on our organs and systems, and prevent degenerative diseases and inflammation.
The Link Between Periodontal Disease and Nutrition
Our Las Vegas dentists know that periodontal disease is an inflammatory disease that weakens the supporting tissues of the teeth and is associated with an increased risk of stroke, type-2 diabetes, and heart disease.
Recent research shows that increased serum antioxidant concentrations are associated with a reduced risk of periodontitis. These antioxidants included alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, selenium, lutein, beta-cryptoxanthin, vitamins A, C and E, and total antioxidant levels.
A recent study showed that higher vitamin C and total antioxidant levels were associated with a lower incidence of periodontitis. When individuals had vitamin C levels that were in the top 20 percent of participants, they had a 39 percent lower risk of periodontitis than participants with the lowest levels. For subjects who had never smoked, those with the highest levels of vitamin C experienced only half the risk of periodontitis compared to those with the lowest vitamin C levels.
Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that may help reduce inflammation. Vitamin C has also been shown to have an important role in collagen synthesis and maintenance of connective tissue, which could explain its benefit in protecting against periodontitis.
The risk of periodontal disease is reduced when you provide good nutrition and high levels of antioxidant protection to your body.
Learn More about Periodontal Disease
If you have questions about how your nutritional choices play into your oral health or need treatment for periodontal disease that has already developed, contact the Las Vegas office of Jason L. Downey, DDS. We are available for consultation and private appointments to discuss your treatment options.